SV:Övervakning på falska premisser hotar rikets säkerhet
by yeslove, January 10th, 2008 | No Comments | Svenska
Sorry, but this post is not available in English
by yeslove, January 10th, 2008 | No Comments | Svenska
Sorry, but this post is not available in English
by yeslove, January 4th, 2008 | 10 Comments | Svenska
Pakistani opposition leader Benazir Bhutto was murdered 12/27-2007 by two gunshots after a political rally in Rawalpindi, a brave woman with political courage and ambitions to find the financial sources of terrorism.
In a TV-interview with David Frost 11/2- 2007 about Pakistans perilous situation, Ms Bhutto talks about the people who she assumed were responsible for a previous attempt on her life, one of them with ties to Omar Saeed Sheik, the man who according to Bhutto, murdered Usama Bin Laden.
BBC News edited the interview and deleted the following statement by Ms Bhutto: “and he also had dealings with Omar Sheik, the man who murdered Usama Bin Laden“. Apparently FOX News joins BBC’s censorship, here is a copy from Al Jazeera where the statement still can be heard @6:10.
Was it the sensational claim about Bin Ladens death that prompted BBCs censors or the more sensitive information about Omar Saeed Sheiks relation to ISI and the Pakistani government? Information about Omar Saeed Sheiks has a long history of distortion and disappearance in media related to, as Ms Bhutto said -finding the financial sources of terrorism.