BBC censurerar Benazir Bhutto:Bin Laden mördad av 9/11 finansiär
Posted by yeslove, January 4th, 2008 | Print | English
Benazir Bhutto
Pakistans oppositionsledare Benazir Bhutto mördades 27 December 2007 av två skott strax efter ett politiskt möte i Rawalpindi, en modig kvinna med politisk kraft och ambitionen att finna terrorismens finansiärer.
I en TV-intervju med David Frost 2 November 2007 berättar Bhutto om situationen i Pakistan och ett tidigare attentat mot hennes liv där hon nämner flera förmodat ansvariga personer, bl.a. en med förbindelser till Omar Saeed Sheik som Bhutto påstår är mannen som har mördat Usama Bin Laden
BBC News har redigerat intervjun och klippt bort fru Bhuttos utalande, meningen “and he also had dealings with Omar Sheik, the man who murdered Usama Bin Laden” är borttagen och tydligen följer Fox news i BBCs censurerande fotspår. Här finns en kopia från Al Jazeera där uttalandet fortfarande kan höras @6:10.
Var det det sensationella påståendet om Bin Ladens död som motiverade BBCs censorer att redigera bort meningen eller var det den känsliga uppgiften om Omar Saeed Sheiks relation till höga Pakistanska militärer och tjänstemän? Uppgifter om Omar Saeed Sheik har en lång historia av förvanskning och försvinnande i media relaterat till, som fru Bhutto sade -det finansiella stödet för terrorism.
Vem är Omar Saeed Sheik?
Omar Saeed Sheik är mannen som skickade $100 000 till flygplanskaparen Mohammad Atta på uppdrag av ISI generalen Mahmood Ahmed innan attackerna i New York och Washington 11 September 2001.
Så här beskrivs han av brittiske MP Michael Meacher i samband med Londonbombningarna 7 Juli 2005.
Guardian:Britain now faces its own blowback
One British Muslim of Pakistani origin radicalised by the civil war in Yugoslavia was LSE-educated Omar Saeed Sheikh. He is now in jail in Pakistan under sentence of death for the killing of the US journalist Daniel Pearl in 2002 – although many (including Pearl’s widow and the US authorities) doubt that he committed the murder. However, reports from Pakistan suggest that Sheikh continues to be active from jail, keeping in touch with friends and followers in Britain.
The Observer Research Foundation has argued that there are even “grounds to suspect that the [London] blasts were orchestrated by Omar Sheikh from his jail in Pakistan”.
Omar Sheikh who, at the behest of General Mahmood Ahmed, head of the ISI, wired $100,000 to Mohammed Atta, the leading 9/11 hijacker, before the New York attacks, as confirmed by Dennis Lormel, director of FBI’s financial crimes unit.
Yet neither Ahmed nor Omar appears to have been sought for questioning by the US about 9/11. Indeed, the official 9/11 Commission Report of July 2004 sought to downplay the role of Pakistan with the comment: “To date, the US government has not been able to determine the origin of the money used for the 9/11 attacks. Ultimately the question is of little practical significance” – a statement of breathtaking disingenuousness.
The extraordinary US forbearance towards Omar Sheikh, its restraint towards the father of Pakistan’s atomic bomb, Dr AQ Khan, selling nuclear secrets to Iran, Libya and North Korea, the huge US military assistance to Pakistan and the US decision last year to designate Pakistan as a major non-Nato ally in south Asia all betoken a deeper strategic set of goals as the real priority in its relationship with Pakistan.
Pittsburgh Tribune Review:Did Pearl die because Pakistan deceived CIA?
There are many in Musharraf’s government who believe that Saeed Sheikh’s power comes not from the ISI, but from his connections with our own CIA
Wikipedia:Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh
Pakistani President, Pervez Musharraf, in his book In the Line of Fire stated that Sheikh was originally recruited by British intelligence agency, MI6, while studying at the London School of Economics. He alleges Omar Sheikh was sent to the Balkans by MI6 to engage in jihadi operations. Musharraf later went on to state “At some point, he probably became a rogue or double agent”.
För att bredda sammanhanget är det värt att känna till miljön och samarbetet mellan västmakter och islamister i Bosnien och Kosovo där också Haroon Rashid Aswat, den misstänkte hjärnan bakom Londonbombningarna rekryterades av MI6. Den som saknar tid eller intresse av ett breddat sammanhang kan lugnt hoppa vidare till Omar Saeed Sheiks intressanta bio.
Islamister på Balkan
Guardian:America used Islamists to arm the Bosnian Muslims
Now we have the full story of the secret alliance between the Pentagon and radical Islamist groups from the Middle East designed to assist the Bosnian Muslims – some of the same groups that the Pentagon is now fighting in “the war against terrorism”.
“Mojahedin fighters were also flown in, but they were reserved as shock troops for especially hazardous operations.”
Rather than the CIA, the Pentagon’s own secret service was the hidden force behind these operations.
EIR 2 November 2001:U.S. Protects Al-Qaeda Terrorists in Kosovo
While the United States is relentlessly bombing Afghanistan with the official aim of getting Osama bin Laden, one of bin Laden’s top collaborators is running a terrorist training camp in an area of Kosovo that is under U.S. control.
These revelations, and the clear position taken by Macedonian intelligence in confirming and expanding them, are now reopening the explosive question of the protection and sponsorship granted to the narco-terrorists by Anglo-American agencies
If the Anglo-Americans are at “war” with bin Laden’s terrorism, why are bin Laden operatives active in Kosovo in an area totally controlled by NATO?
On Oct. 16 Novosti reported: “A training camp of Albanian militants functions near the village of Ropotovo, close to Kosovska Kamenica, in the Yugoslav province of Kosovo, which is controlled by the American force, sources from the Russian peacekeeping force in Kosovo reported on [Oct. 16]. According to [the sources], the camp is now training 50 Afghan and Algerian mujahideen, led by Zaiman Zawahiri. He is reportedly the brother of one of the closest associates of international terrorist Osama bin Laden.
Strangely enough, according to an expert who testified before a U.S. Congressional committee in January 2000, al-Zawahiri was granted U.S. residence by the Immigration and Naturalization Service—something almost impossible for many legitimate immigrants to obtain. Should we be surprised that one of the centers of operation for al-Zawahiri was London, where one of his closest relatives resided? President Mubarak is believed to have referred to him when, after the Luxor massacre, he stated: “There are people who carried out crimes and who were sentenced [in Egypt] and live on British soil.”
Michel Chossudovsky:”OSAMAGATE”
The “blowback” thesis is a fabrication. The evidence amply confirms that the CIA never severed its ties to the “Islamic Militant Network”. Since the end of the Cold War, these covert intelligence links have not only been maintained, they have in become increasingly sophisticated.
Throughout the 1990s, the Pakistan Inter Services Intelligence (ISI) was used by the CIA as a go-between — to channel weapons and Mujahideen mercenaries to the Bosnian Muslim Army in the civil war in Yugoslavia
It was alleged that the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) had full knowledge of the operation and that the CIA believed that some of the 400 had been detached for future terrorist operations in Western Europe.
On the more substantive “foreign policy lies” regarding drug running and covert operations in the Balkans, Democrats and Republicans agreed in unison, no doubt pressured by the Pentagon and the CIA not to “spill the beans”.
Confirmed by British military sources, the task of arming and training of the KLA had been entrusted in 1998 to the US Defence Intelligence Agency (DIA) and Britain’s Secret Intelligence Services MI6, together with “former and serving members of 22 SAS [Britain's 22nd Special Air Services Regiment], as well as three British and American private security companies”.
While British SAS Special Forces in bases in Northern Albania were training the KLA, military instructors from Turkey and Afghanistan financed by the “Islamic jihad” were collaborating in training the KLA in guerilla and diversion tactics.
What was largely hidden from public view was the fact that the KLA raise part of their funds from the sale of narcotics. Albania and Kosovo lie at the heart of the “Balkan Route” that links the “Golden Crescent” of Afghanistan and Pakistan to the drug markets of Europe. This route is worth an estimated $400 billion a year and handles 80 percent of heroin destined for Europe.
US military advisers mingle with Mujahideen within the same paramilitary force, Western mercenaries from NATO countries fight alongside Mujahideen recruited in the Middle East and Central Asia. And the US media calls this a “blowback” where so-called “intelligence assets” have gone against their sponsors!
A major war supposedly “against international terrorism” has been launched by a government which is harboring international terrorism as part of its foreign policy agenda. In other words, the main justification for waging war has been totally fabricated. The American people have been deliberately and consciously misled by their government into supporting a major military adventure which affects our collective future.
New York Press:Happy Days, Here Again
Chechnya has always been seen here as a rerun of Kosovo, which itself was a rerun of Afghanistan. All the ingredients are there: a spurious “national liberation” struggle financed by organized crime, drug trafficking and the global Islamic network; support from Western governments and human rights groups;
The UN expressed shock and surprise and demanded proof that people on its payroll were terrorists. This was an odd request. The UN had itself reported a year earlier that the KPC was a bunch of gangsters
Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya:Europe and America: Sharing the Spoils of War
In 1993, Zbigniew Brzezinski stated that, “The tragedies of Lebanon of the 1980s, or of Kurdistan and the former Yugoslavia of the early 1990s are previews of things to come within the Eurasian oblong of maximum danger.” [4] What was implied by Brzezinski was balkanization ranging from sectarianism to ethnic clashes. The situation in Iraq is part of this process, as are the tensions in Lebanon, Kosovo, Turkey, and Caucasia.
Man kan anta att frågan om ett självständigt Kosovo har mindre med frihet och demokrati att göra än den geostrategiska placeringen av en angloamerikanskt kontrollerad narkoterrorismstat som förser Europa med heroin för att finansiera och genomföra terrorattacker mot bångstyriga länder. Alltsammans går tillbaka till Pakistan och symbiosen mellan ISI, Al Queda och Omar Saeed Sheik och en sannolik orsak till Benazir Bhuttos död.
Cooperative research:Sept. 11’s Smoking Gun: The Many Faces of Saeed Sheikh
But at the same time, much of his time was spent working with the ISI. He worked with Ijaz Shah, a former ISI official in charge of handling two terrorist groups, Lieutenant-General Mohammad Aziz Khan, also a former deputy chief of the ISI in charge of relations with Jaish-e-Mohammad, and Brigadier Abdullah, a former ISI officer. He was well known to other senior ISI officers. [National Post, 2/26/02, Guardian, 7/16/02, India Today, 2/25/02] How much of his work with al-Qaeda was done on the orders of the ISI is not known.
While the FBI and media have been putting forth a series of names sounding remarkably similar to Saeed Sheikh or the aliases he used, they have been ignoring or forgetting solid evidence that links Saeed Sheikh to the funding of 9/11. To do so would mean confronting Saeed’s ISI ties, and the possibility that he was acting on orders from Mahmood, or even President Musharraf.
The FBI has reported that many of the hijackers passed through Dubai and met with the 9/11 paymaster. They would be given Visa credit cards, travelers checks, and help in opening bank accounts. [Washington Post, 12/13/01, MSNBC, 12/11/01, Congressional Intelligence Committee, 9/26/02, London Times, 12/1/01, Congressional Intelligence Committee, 9/26/02] This further suggests that the paymaster was Saeed, since he was making frequent trips to Dubai at this time. [Guardian, 2/9/02]
The relationship between the US and the ISI is hard to fathom. On September 4, 2001, ISI Director Mahmood Ahmed arrived in Washington, D.C. On September 10, a Pakistani newspaper reported on the visit, saying that it had “triggered speculation about the agenda of his mysterious meetings at the Pentagon and National Security Council” as well as meetings with CIA Director George Tenet, unspecified officials at the White House and the Pentagon, and his “most important meeting” with Marc Grossman, US Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs.
In May 2001, both CIA Director George Tenet and Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage had visited South Asia. It’s not known if they met with Mahmood or anyone else in the ISI, but according to credible news reports, Tenet had “unusually long” consultations with President Musharraf. It is also worth noting that Armitage is known for his “large circle of friends in the Pakistani military and ISI” [SAPRA, 5/22/01] as well as his connections to the Iran-Contra affair.
But what many don’t know is that on the morning of September 11, Lt. Gen. Mahmood was at a breakfast meeting at the Capitol with the chairmen of the House and Senate Intelligence Committees, Senator Bob Graham (D) and Representative Porter Goss (R). The meeting was said to have lasted at least until the second plane hit the World Trade Center. Goss is a self-admitted 10-year veteran of the CIA’s clandestine operations wing. [Washington Post, 5/18/02] Goss and Graham were later the heads of the joint House-Senate investigation into the September 11 attacks, and Goss in particular made headlines for saying there was no “smoking gun” indicating that the government had sufficient foreknowledge to prevent the September 11 attacks.
On September 12 and 13, Lt. Gen. Mahmood met with Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage, Senator Joseph Biden, the Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and Secretary of State Colin Powell. An agreement on Pakistan’s collaboration in the new “war on terror” was negotiated between Mahmood and Armitage. [Miami Herald, 9/16/01] All these meetings coordinated Pakistan’s response to September 11. [New York Times, 9/13/01, Reuters, 9/13/01, Associated Press, 9/13/01] Isn’t it strange that the terms of Pakistan’s commitment to fight al-Qaeda were negotiated with the man who may have given orders to send $100,000 to the September 11 hijackers?
The timing of [FBI Director Robert] Mueller’s visits certainly is curious. After months of doing little to catch Saeed, suddenly Mueller is traveling all over Asia and both Saeed and Ansari are arrested within days? Did Mueller act with Musharraf to silence Saeed so the Indian reports of Saeed’s involvement in 9/11 could be quashed?
An anonymous former senior ISI official has stated, “The biggest problem we have [in Pakistan] are the rogue elements in the intelligence agencies, especially those who at some time became involved with the CIA.”
A previous update quoting an article published in Pakistani newspaper The Nation claiming that gen. Stanley McChrystal assassinated Benazir Bhutto on orders from Dick Cheney is denied by the alleged source Seymour Hersh and appears to be fake and is thus removed.
Andra bloggar om politik, pakistan, 911, isi, terrorism, islamism, media
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